GEO elections, special general membership meeting, special stewards’ assembly

Fellow workers, We are writing to let you know about two important meetings coming up this week. The first is a special general membership meeting, which will be held on Thursday, May 16, at 5:30pm in order to conclude GEO’s spring election for the officers for the upcoming year. The elections committee will be tabling…

Fellow workers,

We are writing to let you know about two important meetings coming up this week. The first is a special general membership meeting, which will be held on Thursday, May 16, at 5:30pm in order to conclude GEO’s spring election for the officers for the upcoming year. The elections committee will be tabling in Campus Center 915 in accordance with the GEO bylaws; a Zoom link will be provided for those who wish to attend to hear the election results but who cannot make it in person. The election will conclude at 6pm, at which point results will be announced. The primary item of business at this meeting is the election, so it should be a quick meeting.

Voting for GEO leadership positions is being administered in a hybrid format, using the ElectionRunner platform with in-person voting as a supplement. Everyone eligible to vote should have received a unique voter ID to their UMass email. Voting will run from May 8-May16. (Be sure to check your spam folder just in case!) Click elections right away.You can read the notice for elections here and find candidate statements here. The election is being conducted mainly via ElectionRunner

The second important meeting is a virtual stewards’ assembly taking place on Friday, 5/17 from 2-3pm. According to the GEO bylaws, if there is no contest in a cochair election, a special meeting of the stewards’ assembly must be held in which stewards vet the candidates by asking them questions. In this situation, the stewards are ultimately tasked with approving the nominees as co-chairs. We will use this meeting to undertake this task, as well as to elect stewards’ assembly co-chairs and representatives to Steering Committee. All members are able to attend the meeting, but only stewards may vote in this space.

If you have any questions about these processes or procedures, please reach out to the Elections Committee at elections.

in solidarity,
the GEO Elections Committee

In solidarity, GEO Leadership
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